
Yoga & Art Retreats Tasmania offer a combined experience of art classes, gentle mindfulness sessions and delicious vegetarian and vegan meals.

Our retreats focus on total well-being that is our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social health.

Yoga is not about standing on your head but your own two feet.‘ – Swami Satchidananda

We believe in your immersion in nature, being in small groups, eating locally sourced organic food, creative art classes, mindfulness practices, quiet time, simple accommodation, like minded people and being nurtured by us gives you the opportunity to find that balance in your health.

Each two to three night retreat has a guest professional artist. We offer a wide variety of workshops in Zentangle, watercolour, basket making, lino cutting, acrylic art and felting, taught by artists.

Each retreat includes:

  • Two 2½ –  3 hour art or meditation sessions
  • Morning classes of postures, breathing practices and mindfulness
  • Afternoon Yoga Nidra (relaxation techniques)
  • Evening meditation and mindfulness sessions
  • All vegetarian and vegan food

Our prices include the package of all meals, accomodation, ferry (for Maria), classes and art materials.

Maria Island retreats have a 14 person maximum.

Yoga & Art Retreats has run 27 retreats over the last eight years.